Did you say challenger banks ?
Syrtals-Cards Publications
In a banking market driven by wild turmoil (multitude of competitors, arduous economic equation, endless race for innovation, new lifestyles and consumption, regulatory changes…), It is difficult to assert who of the historical players or the start-ups will come out on top.
Every year since October 2017, we publish a new season of our study “Vous avez dit néo-banques ? » (Did you say challenger banks?). With each new edition, we try to highlight the major trends and events of the last 12 months, interpret the drivers and consequences, draw some lessons, and finally to outline possible scenarios for the years to come… »

Did you say digital payments and wallets ? Opus N°6
For several years now, the excitement around new forms of payment has been increasing, particularly with the ubiquity of mobile phones and the rise of e-wallets. The health crisis, which has impacted consumers worldwide, has only confirmed this enthusiasm for digital payments in general.
Every year since June 2019, we publish a new edition of our study “Vous avez dit mobile payments and wallets ? » (Did you say mobile payments and wallets? ). With each new edition, we strive to reveal facts and trends that provide a clear understanding of the various sides and variations of the mobile payments and wallets market.